B2R Season 1 Loading Class Extension draws to a close
The first cohort of this 6 week “Loading" class came to an end this week.
This class is available post-internship where we immerse in pain. The loading extension is specifically looking at programmes and protocols to grade loading a joint back up and Includes:
Pre recorded BJSM University of South Wales lectures for each week specifically looking at ankle, knee and shoulder
Live group call uploaded for review on our private platform.
Immersion in loading templates & resources from Lukes training with Jeremy Lewis, Pete Malliaras, Barbell Medicine, Ido Portal, Gymnastic Bodies, Gold Medal Bodies (GMB), Phoenix Nation, Fitness FAQs and more specifically related to ongoing resilience conditioning of the shoulder through hanging, handstands and gymnastic rings.
Construct loading programmes from isometrics to heavy slow resistance (HSR) to fast isotonics & plyometrics.
Ben Goodall, Chiropractor, teaching some key concepts back in the final class of this 6 week extension
Prominent researcher Proffesor Jill Cook calls for clinicians to develop confidence loading; this class extension aims to achieve just this.
What they said
“Extremely worth it. Gives so much more confidence in rehabbing patients with persistent pain in those areas!
When I graduated I had 0 idea how to do it. This is so valuable, especially because knee, shoulder and ankle are common areas where people often lose hope that something can be done to help”. Giovanni Frapporti, Chiropractor, Italy.
“Absolutely worth it! The extension gives you a road map of sorts. Not exact directions, but how to find an entry point with a person and go on from there.The specified joints covered in the material give you the tools of how you might apply these same ideas to different parts in the body. As a trainer, I’m much more confident when I encounter some one with aches and pains. I feel I am able to clinically reason and offer a conservative approach instead of sending them immediately to the GP (red flags and all considered). It has also been a huge resource for dealing with my own aches and pains! Win, Win!” Lee Dickerson, Trainer, USA.
“Without a doubt! The extension has been of equal, if not more benefit, in half the time, makes me feel a lot more well rounded. I thought my rehab teaching at Uni was good, but this is exceptional, highly recommend post internship but for all students! It pairs very well with the internship, you can apply the PNE to it as well as apply the loading principles to chronic maladaptive pain rehab too, not just the limbs. It’s great as it’s given principles that can be applied to many complaints (for example I’ve managed to use the tests and progressions for an ankle sprain and thoracic pain) to help chose my entry point for my exercises and help justify my activity modification advice. So worth it”. Ben Goodall, Chiropractor, UK.
“So worth it. I am so impressed with how comprehensive this shoulder stability program is. I'm so excited to get back on the rings and build a good foundation. It's helping me understand where I went wrong before and how to fill in the gaps in my training. It's a marathon, not a sprint and with what you've provided I feel like a lifetime of training goals have opened up for me, along with the knowledge and strategies to manage any potential flair ups. You've really done your homework with all the guys you've learned from and managed to distill their teachings into an accessible program. It's pretty much what I've been praying for. When I get back to Wales I'm going to build an outside gym next to my wagon, with pullup bars, sweedish bars and all sorts! I'm already designing it. So excited! Also the PNE foundation has given me a much less fearful realtionship with my body and a much greater sensitivity to when I'm overstretching myself #boom-buster.” Gus Reed, UK.
Keep an eye on the Back to Roots website for a second round of this class extension to run in the coming months after Season 2 of Internship is complete.
Luke R. Davies,
#B2Rhealth :)