#B2Rhealth invite patients in to share their stories with the final year clinicians
Since January 2019 Back to Roots have been teaching a ‘Contemporary Clinical Practice’ module with the current cohort of final year students at the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic in the University of South Wales.
We rounded up the module with an interactive session where the students were invited to interact with a couple of inspiring individuals, individuals who came to #B2Rhealth initially with pain and have graduated through to be successfully self managing.
“We as healthcare professionals got to hear from the people who really matter - those that come to us for help”
This was an invaluable learning opportunity where we as ‘healthcare professionals’ get to listen to the people who really matter - the people who come to us for help.
We were able to listen to stories of what people typically go through before they eventually get empowered to manage their health through an active biopsychosocial paradigm. We got to hear a patients perspective when it comes to reconceptualising certain things that may have been explained in the past. Jackie and Guy were kind enough to show how a toolbox built over time is being used to put them fully in control of their health.
Jackie moving fearlessly, relaxed and thoughtlessly with coach Paul.
Jackie playing ‘maculele’ with Luke
Luke R. Davies,
#B2Rhealth :)
Thanks to Jacob Baylis for images.